Yolantha Harrison-Pace


von    Yolantha Harrison-Pace & Knut Kargel    22.01.2012


Poems by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
Images by Knut Kargel

For Goodness Sake

Un Chien Andalou XXIII

For Goodness Sake
it hurt so bad
for so long
she forgot
what felt good

The Tear That Never Dropped
if women
for women
no woman
would every shed a tear
over a man

Female Rites of Passage
and polka dot faces
molotov cocktails
and arsenic traces
are the basis
upon which girls
part graces
and become women
in foreign places
and well timed races

Danger Zone
she lives on
the D-level
she has no
core mantle
she wears
handcuffs as
souvenir charm bracelets
she bejewells straitjackets for
her red carpet attire
she wears paint splashed
motorcycle helmets
lined in astro turf
she has no external links
she defies exploration
she is the great she is
she is the african ancestral side
to all mother earth