Yolantha Harrison-Pace


von    Yolantha Harrison-Pace & Knut Kargel    22.01.2012


Poems by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
Images by Knut Kargel

The Mustache

Un Chien Andalou XXIV

cool breeze
secrets with secrets
keeping the secrets of secrets
she shadows

Swinging On Angel Wings
she could
swing on the wing
of angels
she could
play toss the ring
with halos
she could
paint her lips
with the smile of rainbows
she could
fluff her pillows
with the clouds of heaven
she could
suck on pearls
like chocolate candy
and keep a zebra close and handy
but the voice of pro-choice
the could of she would
dare birth the fear
of the cure of cancer
and she would dare
dine on leaves to end all hunger
otherwise she would
swing on the wings of angels

Bestest Friend
she dunks deception in her
coffee for breakfast
she eats lies for lunch
rudeness is just plaque on her
two front teeth
thieves bed in the lint of her belly button
and she smiles and grins
and moves in
as your bestest friend
tennis anyone?

The Mustache
mama stopped
shaving and grew
out her mustache
preacher got
nervous cause
mama sang solo
in the choir
her boss got angry
cause there wasn't
a clause in the handbook
'bout women who could
grow mustaches
but daddy continued
to love mama
as he taught her
how to wear hers
just like his