Kiss, America, Kiss!!!

von        27.01.2012


A Good Bright Sun Shiny Day
The roads
Were so bad.
It could take
Any where from 2 to 3 hours to
Make the 12 mile distance from
The airport in Pignon to the
Missionary compound outside of Ranquitte,
And that's on a good, bright sun shiny day.
If it had rained or was raining it took exceedingly longer
The ruts in the road could get as high as my knees.
I am a tall woman, standing 5 feet 9and ½ inches.
That's a 20 inch deep pothole.
It could be so wide that it took up the whole road.
One year I walked with all of the male missionaries
the 12 miles out of the mountains
From Ranquitte to the Pignon airfield.
It took me 2 hours and 17 minutes,
Just 2 minutes longer that day than the truck ride.
It was a good, bright, sun shiny day.